Senzeal | Aquarium Fish & Aquatic Plants Blog
Senzeal aquarium blog is for fishkeepers who want to know more about planted aquarium, aquatic plants, fish keeping such as goldfish, betta fish and tropical fishes. We will also recommend you some aquarium supplies you may need...
By Senzeal | 28 August 2019 | 1 Comments

Introduction to Aquascaping Tools (1)

As the old saying goes, if a worker wants to do something good, he must first sharpen his weapon. It is the same as aquascaping! Sometimes we need to use different aquarium tools to do beautiful aquascaping. For example, you need to use a scissor to trim your aquatic plants for achieving dreamed shape. Today we will know about detailed information on aquascaping tools. Therefore, it would be much more easy for you to do aquascaping.


1.Aquarium Tweezers

In the aquatic plant's aquarium, the planting of aquatic plants is often extremely difficult because the water plants are easy to float on water. Aquatic plants with extra-thin roots, such as mini-dwarf pearls, must be well planted with the help of tweezers. Aquarium tweezer can be divided into two types, one is straight tweezers and the other is crooked tweezer. Straight tweezer is used to plant aquatic plants with rhizomes, and crooked tweezer is often used to plant foreground aquarium plants.


2.Aquarium Scissor

Aquarium scissor is often used to trim aquatic plants and shape aquatic plants. Because directly pulling the aquatic plants by hand can easily cause their infection, which might kill them. Therefore, we use sharp scissors to trim them instead. In the aquascaping, scissor includes two types: straight scissor and crooked scissor. Straight scissor is usually used to trim medium and rear aquatic plants, and crooked scissor is usually used to trim foreground aquatic plants.


3.Algae Scraper

The algae scraper is a tool used to scrape algae from the aquarium wall. In most aquatic fish tanks, there are a variety of algae in the tank wall, and green dust algae is a kind of algae that you might often see. The algae scraper is small and flexible, which is very good for scraping algae.


4.Aquatic Plants Root Fertilizer Syringe and Syringe Needle

Some aquatic plants must be given root fertilizer. If you choose to pour fertilizer directly into the fish tank, great waste and algae will be caused. Try to use the aquatic plant's root fertilizer syringe and syringe needle to solve this problem! By lengthening the needle of fertilizer syringe, the root of the aquatic plants can be directly fertilized perfectly.

Besides, for the health of your aquatic plants in the aquarium, you need to make sure they have enough CO2. Therefore, an aquarium CO2 diffuser is also necessary. It is actually super fun! You can see bubbles around it. Fishes and shrimps love this! We recommend this
Stainless Steel CO2 Diffuser to you. It has a reverse valve and a tube for you as well. You can control the CO2 level anytime you want.
Please do not forget your fishes need enough oxygen too! An
Air Stone Bubbler can help you to solve this problem. It has bubbles too! So fun to watch your fishes play with it.

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Introduction to Aquascaping Tools(2)
What Kinds of Aquascaping Are There?
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